The Future is Renewable
Minas Energy Education Toolkit
Minas Energy has developed a knowledge-transfer program focused on Renewable Energy Project Development Best Practices. Based on in-depth experience, we have created course modules on a variety of topics, designed to guide you through the process of renewable energy project development. Module topics include:
Renewable Energy Technologies
Opportunity Identification
Resource Assessment
Site Control
Community Engagement
Equipment Supply
The course is hosted on D2L’s Brightspace platform and offers a state-of-the-art learning experience in an interactive online environment. The course is highly accessible, allowing your students to learn on any platform – mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.
This online educational experience is oriented towards:
Institutions looking to offer robust green-focused education for their students with certification and real-world applications
Young professionals joining the fight against climate change
Experienced learners seeking a new career in green energy
Officials and practitioners brushing-up on their skills
Certification through our Education Toolkit Program provides:
in-depth knowledge of current renewable energy best practices on a global scale
an understanding of how these practices can be implemented to satisfy specific community, environmental or business goals
continuing education credit for industry professionals
training in community engagement, collaboration and effective communication for successful project outcomes
an opportunity to engage with the Minas Energy team to better understand the project development life cycle
the ability to connect and network with practitioners from around the work and learn from international case studies

This Education Toolkit is a valuable asset for policy-makers, industry professionals, private companies and more.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
Identify quality renewable energy project opportunities.
Illustrate the steps required to evaluate the energy resource and secure site control, equipment supply and interconnection to the electricity grid.
Employ fundamentals of finance to evaluate projects for initiating a viable renewable project.
Illustrate the steps and key individuals involved in acquiring consent for a renewable energy project.
Recognize the importance of community engagement and identify when and how it should occur throughout project development.
Explain the key activities needed for successful project construction and operations phases.
Identify risks throughout all stages of project development and how these can be managed.
Sketch the development process in order to provide a prospective project with a development framework